Another word for issue forth 7 letters
Another word for issue forth 7 letters

another word for issue forth 7 letters

A wise man welcomes open criticism and rebuke, though such rebuke may wound, yet being given by the faithfulness of a friend, it is far better than the deceitful kisses of a flattering enemy. “Open rebuke is better than secret love” and “faithful are the wounds of a friend but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful” Proverbs 27:5-27.

another word for issue forth 7 letters

Self-praise is one of the worst forms of pride, that pride which another proverb states Proverbs 16:18-33 “goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.” In the second verse we find a warning as to self-praise. Well has one said, “The thief which cheats us of our days and beggars us of our wealth is the specious thought that tomorrow belongs to us.” The illusion is as old as the world, but is today as fresh and powerful as ever. How many have been lost forever by procrastination, by thinking a more convenient time would come. How true this is of salvation which is offered for today-now is the day of salvation. While it is today we must live and act and leave nothing undone which can be done today. No one can be sure of what the next day may bring forth.True wisdom is not to trust the future day, for it may never come, nor are we to dwell in the past. The opening proverb warns against procrastination. Like the previous sections, so here we find instructions which were given to Solomon. These proverbs are addressed to a person and the phrases “My son” and the personal address, “thou,” “thy” and “thyself,” are again used in these Chapter s. In the three Chapter s which follow 27-29 we find the change we have noticed before. Every man wishes to live longer, and therefore wishes for to-morrow and when to-morrow comes, then to-morrow, and so on. Here we see the derivation of our word morning morewenning, from more, and wen or won, to dwell, i.e., a continuance of time to live or dwell in your present habitation. Bible translates thus: Ne glorie thou into the morewenning. Be incessant in thy application to God for these blessings. Do not depend on any future moment for spiritual good which at present thou needest, and God is willing to give, and without which, should death surprise thee, thou must be eternally lost such as repentance, faith in Christ, the pardon of sin, the witness of the Holy Spirit, and complete renovation of soul. Boast not thyself of to-morrow] James 4:13, c.

Another word for issue forth 7 letters