In Malayalam jathakam, the significance of different planets in the houses at certain points in our life bring favourable or unfavourable events in life. To get accurate predictions on a native’s horoscope, all areas of the chart are carefully examined including the rashi, nakshatram, griha nila, etc.ĬlickAstro offers horoscope in Malayalam and many other regional languages for easy understanding of the natives seeking to understand the way their life will progress. The rashi chakram is formed of twelve houses representing the twelve zodiacs or rashis, and all the nine planets are uniquely positioned in the rashi chakram. The remaining four signs namely – Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces are referred to as dual/common signs.Īn individual’s malayalam horoscope consists of the rashi and navamsa chakram. Out of 12 zodiac signs, Aries, Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn are called movable signs, while Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius are fixed signs. In Vedic astrology, there are two types of aspects – Major and Minor and it’s believed that focusing on the Major Aspect is best.
Aspects between different planets and houses are quite common. They indicate the view or Drishti of a planet or a sign. AspectsĪspects are the angles which planets make with each other. simply by analyzing the projection of these planets, the Sun, and the Moon on your natal chart and allowing us to better understand our potential and make the best of our positive traits. All the 12 zodiac signs belong to one of the 4 elements – Air, Water, Fire, and Earth.Īstrologers can easily make predictions about your personality, choices, likes/dislikes, etc.
In Vedic astrology, there are 12 zodiac signs wherein each sign has its strengths, weakness, character traits, personality, attitude towards life. It’s about big events in your life discarding the old ones to make room for the new.